Monday, April 27, 2009

Interview with Melainey

deb: Do you go by a nickname?
Melainey: Lainey, Melanie, my dad calls me Turkey
deb: What’s the one sound that drives you crazy?
Melainey: noises, like cars honking and a city… city noises
deb: What is your favorite book?
Melainey: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.
deb: Who would you consider to be your hero?
Melainey: I don’t have a hero
deb: What’s your favorite smell?
Melainey: flowers
deb: What’s your favorite movie to watch over and over again?
Melainey: The Mask, it’s funny, Walle
deb: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Melainey: A Teacher. Oh, I have another movie that I could watch over and over -Bedtime Stories
deb: If you could possess any superpower, what would it be?
Melainey: Invisibility. And being fast. Cuz in gym I’m really slow. I’m about the last one.
deb: What’s your favorite cereal?
Melainey: Frosted Crips ‘cuz I can eat it forever and not get board of it.
deb: What is cooler? Ninjas or pirates?
Melainey: umm I don’t know
deb: Are you a collector of anything?
Melainey: I have a bunch of Care Bears… I don’t collect them, but I have a lot of them
deb: What's your favorite color?
Melainey: Pink any kind of pink
deb: If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
1. to be rich
2. and have a flat screen tv
3. a mansion.
And I have 4 I want to have a limo.
(Melainey-age 8)

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